Announcing Developer Academy Trainings
Announcing Developer Academy

This project was lying close to my heart since a few months now, and I am happy to announce that due to the help of Steven Giesel we could release the first version of the Developer Acedemy. With the project, we want to offer trainings to help developers build up their skills in modern web development technologies, including Angular, .NET, Java and TypeScript.
With this project, we try to pass the experience we gathered in the last decades doing web development to the people. We already did a lot of workshops but never had this place where people could really have a pleasant overview of what is currently ongoing etc.
We are trying to improve this page as soon as we have something new for it. This may be a new trainer, a new course, or just bug fixes. It is written in Blazor btw. :) So it was a nice project for me to step out of my comfort zone a little.
If you want to become a trainer or offer your workshops as well, just let us know through the contact form. We would love to get something going.