Extending the NgRx signal store with a custom feature
In this blog post, I want to show how we can extend the NgRx Signal Store with custom features.
NgRx Signal Store & Angular: Getting started
In this blog post, I will provide an overview of the Angular NgRx Signal Store and demonstrate how to use it in your applications.
Migrating an Angular Nx Workspace to V17
This blog post will guide you through the steps of migrating your Nx and Angular workspace from version 16 to 17.
Nx and Azure DevOps Integration for Test and Coverage Reporting
In this blog post, I want to describe how you can seamlessly integrate test coverage reporting into your Nx Monorepo workflow using Azure DevOps, providing a clear and actionable view of your code quality.
Migrating Angular to NgRx functional APIs and effects
In this blog post, I want to describe how I migrated NgRx to its functional APIs and effects to use the latest features and benefits of NgRx and Angular with standalone components.
Announcing “Angular Monorepos with Nx” Course on Pluralsight
In this blog post, I want to announce my new course "Angular Monorepos with Nx" on Pluralsight.
Automatically mock your Angular Services when Testing
In this blog post, I want to describe how you can automatically mock your Angular Services while Testing
Migrating to Angular Standalone Components
In this blog post, I want to describe how I migrated an application from ngModules to standalone components. Standalone components are available since Angular's V14 and make an angular application possible without ngModules.
Getting Started With Angular Strictly Typed Reactive Forms
With Angular 14 the Angular Team provided a new very demanded feature: Strictly Typed Reactive Forms. That solves a lot of problems when interacting with Angular Forms, as we have the type of the model we are representing with the form now, instead of an any “type” we had before. But let’s have a look at this step by step.
Loading Angular Configuration Before Your Angular App Starts
In this blogpost I want to describe two different ways how to load your settings before your Angular application starts. Although there already have been articles about this Tim Deschryver’s Blog Post ‘Build once deploy to multiple environments’ I want to point out two different ways of solving the issue as I see this as an reappearing issue in the Angular world.