Upcoming Speaking Activities
In this blog post I want to give a short overview about my upcoming speaking activities in the rest of 2019.
Table of content
04.10.2019 .NET Conf 2019
With collaborated forces of different UserGroups around Zürich we are presenting a meetup to have the .NET Conf local in Zürich. I will give a short introduction about what is new in ASP.NET Core 3.0. Meetups are usually a nice place to get started.
Link: https://www.meetup.com/dotnet-zurich/events/263786513/
Topic: What is new in ASP.NET Core 3.0
07.10.2019 ngRome
NgRome is a community driven conference which is also a reason why I am looking forward to that one so badly. I think this is gonna be the highlight of the year for me. I am speaking in a lineup with other speakers I really look up to and never expected to mention my name with then in one go. However…I am nervous already but am already so excited. The topic will be “Architecting Angular Applications with Angular Libraries” and the talk will have a duration of 20 minutes. This is gonna be so incredible good…
Link: https://ngrome.io/speakers/speaker-detail/Fabian%20Gosebrink
Topic: Architecting Angular Applications with Angular Libraries
09.10.2019 Angular Days
At the this years Angular Days I will give a workshop about Testing with Angular. So we have 3.5 hours to get to know testing and all the tools which are included. If I teach people Angular testing is a ery hot topic which I try to get covered in the beginning or in early stages of the course. This workshop however will completely focus on testing with Karma, Jasmine, Protractor, Cypress and all different scenarios.
Link: https://javascript-days.de/angular/angular-testing-leicht-gemacht/
Topic: “Angular Testing leicht gemacht”
14.10.2019 Web Developer Conference
I will provide a long version of my Talk “Angular Architectures with Angular Libraries” at the Web Developer Conference (WDC) in Hamburg. The talk will be in german. In addition to that I have the honor to present a workshop about “Statemanagement in Angular with NgRx Stores & Effects” which I am also very looking forward to. The workshop will be in german as well.
Link: https://www.web-developer-conference.de/programm/#/talk/angular-architekturen-mit-angular-libraries
Topics: Angular Architectures with Angular Libraries & Statemanagement in Angular with NgRx Stores & Effects
23.10.2019 iJS
At the iJS in Munich at the end of October I will provide my talk about “Professional Angular architectures with Angular libraries” again, hopefully improved and battle tested. This time the talk will be in english.
Link: https://javascript-conference.com/angular/professional-angular-architectures-with-angular-libraries/
Topic: Professional Angular architectures with Angular libraries
25.10.2019 Google GDE Summit
The end of October will be very interesting as I attend the Google GDE Summit in San Francisco. There I am providing a lightning talk about “Real Time Apps with Angular and ASP.NET Core SignalR”. Very excited about this one.
19.11.2019 ngPoland
After a short break in November I am allowed to attend the ngPoland where I can provide knowledge in one day with the “Distributed Systems with ASP.NET Core and Angular – Master Class”. Here will create an Angular and ASP.NET Core application from scratch in one day. The lineup is again outstanding. Very honored to be in that list. This workshop will be in english.
Link: https://www.ng-poland.pl/workshop-asp-net-core-with-angular-master-class.html
Topic: End-To-End : Distributed Systems with ASP.NET Core and Angular – Master Class
25.11.2019 .NET Developer Conference
The last conference for me this year is the .NET Developer Conference (DDC) in Cologne. There I will give the masterclass of distributed systems with Angular and ASP.NET Core again but this time in german.
Topic: End-To-End Verteilte Systeme mit ASP.NET Core and Angular
So that is it for 2019!!! And that is enough I think :) All in all I am looking forward to a full packed end of 2019, meeting new people at those conferences, making new friends and meeting old friends.
Hope to see you at those conferences and if you see me, feel free to say “Hi” :)